Entergy Louisiana has two new demand response/interruptible tariffs available for qualifying customers: Rider IES and Rider EIO. These two riders will provide eligible business customers three options for enrollment in interruptible service in exchange for a demand-based monthly credit.

Rider/Option Interruptible credit rate ($/kW month) Min advance notice of curtailment Interruptions per day Max duration per interruption Max annual interrupted hours Term of contract (years) Reliability and/or economic
Rider IES $2.91 2 hours 1 12 hours 150 5 Reliability only
Rider EIO/Option B $4.50 2 hours 1 12 hours 300 7 Both
Rider EIO/Option C $5.66 30 minutes 2*  8 hours 300 10 Both

*The second Interruption per day for Option C customers can only be for a Reliability Interruption.

It’s important to note that interruptible service under Rider EIO or Rider IES will not start until an Electric Service Agreement (ESA) or ESA amendment is in place to address interruptible service, successful registration of interruptible load with the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) and start of applicable MISO Planning Year which starts in June of each respective year.

Key requirements to participate:

  • Eligible customers must be capable of curtailing down to their firm load within the timeframe specified in the tariff, and failure to do so could result in penalties.
  • Customer’s base rate schedule must be a qualifying general service, large general service or industrial rate (see Rider EIO and Rider IES tariffs for more information on eligibility).
  • Interruptible Load for each Customer cannot exceed Firm Load
  • Minimum Firm Load:
    • 100 kW (Rider IES threshold)
    • 2 MW (Rider EIO threshold)
  • Minimum Interruptible Load:
    • 100 kW (Rider IES threshold)
    • 1 MW (Rider EIO threshold)

Interested in participating?

Contact your Account Manager to get started.