Laura Beauchamp

Vice President, Business Operations and Strategy

Laura Beauchamp

Laura Beauchamp serves as vice president, business operations and strategy for Entergy Louisiana. In this role, Beauchamp leads the development and execution of the company’s strategic initiatives in coordination with key business functions to drive sustainable growth and operational excellence.

Entergy Louisiana’s fundamental goal for resource planning is to deliver a sustainable portfolio that is centered on customer outcomes while balancing reliability, affordability, and environmental stewardship. Laura’s team focuses not only on meeting the sustainability goals of the company, but more importantly on its customers. The team works directly with customers to create solutions to meet carbon goals and maintaining superior reliability.

Laura has spent 24 years with Entergy, also holding positions in finance, regulatory, and innovation.

She received both her Bachelor of Science in Management in finance and Master of Business Administration from Tulane University’s A. B. Freeman School of Business and currently serves as an Advisory Board Member to the Tulane Energy Institute and is an adjunct lecturer. Laura is a member of Louisiana’s Climate Taskforce and serves on the advisory council for the Louisiana State University Center for Energy Studies.

Updated March 2024